Tour Operator

Research conducted by World Travel and Research Council (WTTC), revealed that the Travel & Tourism sector suffered a loss of almost US$4.5 trillion to reach US$4.7 trillion in 2020, with the contribution to GDP dropping by a staggering 49.1% compared to 2019; relative to a 3.7% GDP decline of theContinue Reading

The travel industry is resilient: Historical events and how tourism has bounced back In the midst of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic, it’s easy to forget that the global economy and tourism industry has experienced similar significant events in the past. Whether it’s flu pandemics, political instability, economic recession, natural disasters,Continue Reading

International tourism is set to plunge by 80% this year – but some regions could recover more quickly Millions of jobs could be lost in an industry that provides high levels of employment. Less developed economies could be hit particularly hard. However, some regions – particularly the Middle East –Continue Reading

As the travel industry was dealing with the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak earlier this month, one agency used the crisis as an opportunity to adapt its business model by offering customers opportunity to be a tourist “in their own backyard”. The agency, Pack Up + Go is aContinue Reading

PM suggests reduction or re-tweaking following industry concerns Tourism Secretary says Minister will brainstorm with industry afresh next week before taking final decision By Charumini de Silva The proposed $ 100 fee for tourist visas from 1 August is to come under review following concerns expressed by the industry. TheContinue Reading