The total number of international tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka during March 2021 was 4,581. In
comparison to March last year (2020), there was a decline of 93.6% when the arrivals were 71,370. As at
31stMarch 2021, 9,629 of tourists has visited Sri Lanka for this year. It is a decline of 98.1% over last year
when 507,311 tourists had visited the country during the same period. The figures reflect the
unprecedent health, social and economic crisis caused by the the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The largest source markets recorded for the month of March was Kazakhstan, followed by the Germany,
and United Kingdom

Europe became the largest source of tourist traffic to Sri Lanka with 76.1% of the total traffic
received in March 2021. Asia and Pacific accounted for 13.9% of the total traffic while Americas
accounted for 6.9%. In comparison to March last year all regions have recorded a decline in
arrivals. It is noteworthy that arrivals from Kazakhstan and Iran have recorded a growth in
comparison to March 2020. Full report here